Darien Garden Club

The Darien Garden Club is a friendly organization filled with people who enjoy gardening and want to learn more about their hobby. If you are interested in gardening, you are invited to visit us as a guest at any meeting (unless otherwise indicated). You will be greeted warmly and made welcome. Guests may attend two meetings prior to becoming a member. Membership is $40 annually.

Many club activities contribute to the community and the environment, and the club was honored to receive the coveted “GARDEN CLUB OF THE YEAR” award from The Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc., for several years. The Darien Garden Club is also a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc.

First Monday of each month (except holidays)
6:30 p.m. social time; 7:00 p.m. program, followed by business meeting
All meetings are in hybrid format when available and recordings are shared with our members. You will never miss a meeting!


St. John’s Lutheran Church
7214 S. Cass Avenue, Darien, IL

Gina Pignato
President – Darien Garden Club

Please join our newest outreach for children and their families, DGC Sprouts. INFO: https://dariengardenclub.com/sprouts
For all Darien Garden Club web and social sites please visit: https://linktr.ee/dariengardenclub

Wednesday, January 22, 6pm-7pm

All About Chocolate (and Vanilla)!
Get ready to indulge in all things chocolate and vanilla at our event!
More information/registration: www.eventbrite.com

Monday, February 3, 6:30pm-8:30pm

Creating Magnificent Moonlit Spaces for the Evening Garden
Join us as we welcome horticulturist and author Nina Koziol who will inspire us to create stunning all-white garden in our backyards!
More information/registration: www.eventbrite.com

Sunday, March 2, 1:30pm-3:30pm

IPPL/DGC Seed & Houseplant Exchange
Gather up your saved seed and bring your houseplant babies to exchange for new and unusual varieties at this fun event!
More information/registration: www.eventbrite.com